My Life is... Mochalicious!

Why 'Mochalicious'? Because my life is full of bitter and sweet days. Here, you the reader will take a journey into my life.......daily experiences and encounters. Mum, if you read this.....I love you!

Mein Foto
Standort: United Kingdom

Complex, romantic, nice, independent, stubborn, selfish and strong at heart. I like to say am like either like me or you don't. Simple!

Montag, März 13, 2006

WOW! My First Plug!

LOL........make way for this blushing mami! I got my first plug on the and I didn't even write any of it. THANKS AFROMUSING........DANKE, DANKE, DANKE!

"If you like Kenyan music, Mocha has some links to music news and websites."
Taken from Afromusings posting on Kenya Unlimited.


Anonymous Anonym said...

Congrats boo...
And great links on the other post...
Ah, and welcome back yeah

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Now that you are more famous usitusahau!!!


1:45 PM  
Blogger Mocha! said...

@KAYSHA....thanks for touching base man! its a shame i missed your show when you were in London. hopefully the next one. on that i get a backstage pass? *wink wink - hint hint* LOL!

@milo....not a chance of that happening. you are forgetting you are my guy? am disappointed! :(

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

:) you are welcome...your passion for kenyan music is infectious. It really is, plus those links were great! feel free to be our KBW musical correspondent? hint hint...?

10:29 PM  
Blogger Mocha! said...

@Afro....thanks for the compliment. Keepin' it Kenyan/African. We might as well be known for our music, not just wild life and poverty! Au? As for 'the offer'....I will let you know!

11:51 AM  

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